Planning and Organizing for Success

Are you a planner, or do you jump right in and tell yourself you’ll just go for it and figure it out as you go?

 Do you ever wonder why some people are so much more productive than others and you wonder if you could ever catch up?

 Have you experienced times when you dreamed of doing a project but just have no ideas of how to proceed?

 Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “big picture,” and wondered what it meant?

 Well, when it comes down to stepping into a new year where you hope and cross your fingers that everything will change – this is the perfect time to sit down and do some big picture thinking about what you want to have happen.

 Here I’m referring to what kind of projects or dreams you have that could be made real?

 Do you have any?

 Can you think of at least one?

 Maybe you want to save more money or pay down debt or lose weight.

 Big picture planning asks questions like:

 1.   How much money do you want to save?

2.   How much debt do you want to pay off?

3.   How much weight do you want to lose?

 This is the start – but then we need to create the plan.

If I want to save $500 in 2021, what amount do I need to save monthly?

Answer - $42 monthly and $21 every two weeks or $11 each week.

This method takes the big picture goal and breaks it down into more manageable time and doable bites.

 Ask yourself:

-       Could I save $11 a week?

-       Maybe set it aside right away?

-       Or organize it to go right into savings or transfer it electronically?

 Okay – after reading this – what is your number 1 big picture goal for 2021?

 Take 10 minutes right now and try to break it down into 12 segments, one per month.

 Tune in again next Sunday for more.



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