Turn the Page

Although we are 3 weeks into a new year, I am still keen on wanting to have a different year, a different experience from last year.

 I believe we all feel that way

But in looking at the news and overall situation, just how different can we expect things to change? Or go back to what was normal?

The key to turning the page is to create an updated mindset that believes there can and will be a new direction that it is up to each of us to make it so.

 Maybe you have heard the British expression, “start as you mean to go,” this is good advice as we step into 2021, ready or not, ask yourself:

 —What do you want to change in your life that is within your control to make happen?

 —What would you need to do in order to make that happen?

 —What would need to change?

 —What outdated beliefs would you need to let go of?

 —What resources and supplies would you need?

 —When would you start?

 —When would you aim to finish?

Recognizing that much of the world will stay the same this year and the biggest variable to change is in ourselves – we can make all the difference in how we begin and keep on in this new year by changing our mindset to align with where we want to go this year.



Planning and Organizing for Success


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